Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 277: Wasting a Sunday...the Musical!

2011 Total Earnings:  12,338.10

Today's Contest:  Fandango: Bring it On! The Musical! Sweepstakes (exclamation point)
Prize:  A trip for 2 out to LA to see the opening of this musical I'm sure I'd flip for (bum dum bump)
How to enter:

I got sucked in. I didn't want to but I did.  At first I scoffed at the singing cheerleader concept and was like "Gawwww, another movie turned into another The Musical!"  But then I watched the trailer.  High energy power ballads, cute boys, bitchy girl rivalries and basket tosses.  It's like gay crack.  Like when I watch ESPN at 2 am (the only time I ever watch it) to see the cheer championships..BUT. SET. TO. SHOWTUNES.  I'm powerless. So I went to the website and the facebook page and a bazillion other pages and so on and so on and down the rabbit hole I tumbled.
How could I not?
I was finally able to dismount from my ever downward spiral, but fortunately stumbled on this brilliant performance before I did.
If the producers of said musical know what they're doing, they will put this lady in their show, STAT.

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