Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 160: Jew Too?

2011 Total Earnings:  $12,247

Today's Contest:  Food & Wine Travel Paradise Sweepstakes
Prize:  A Trip for 2 to the  Barbados Food/Wine & Rum Festival
How to enter:

The wedding was today.  My mom and Larry Weinstein officially tied the knot.  My mother, nee Michele Hogan, became Michele Fletcher after marrying my father and is now on her 3rd name.... Michele Weinstein.  This really ups my status in the Jewish Community.  Growing up as a Catholic around a middle school full of people of color....Silvers, Golds and Greens, I longed to fit in and have Jewish roots.  I got to know these people and felt a part of.  They folded me in under their wings and lead me by the light of their Menorahs, bringing me in as one of their own.  I was like a human child being raised by wolves...except these wolves were the parents of my friends of Stephen and Emily Wolf.  The Christian raised by Wolves.

Jewish tradition states that one is only truly a Jew if their mother is Jewish.
Having Michele Weinstein as your mother sounds about as Jewish as being born by Linda Richman.

I'm kvelling thinking about it now.  Happy Day!
As a thanks to Larry and my mom for this important life change, the contest  that I'm entering today (the trip to Barbados) will go to them if I celebrate the start of their life together.
Mazel Tov! And L'Chaim!
This is getting me all emotional. I'm getting verklempt.   Talk amongst yourselves.   Here's a topic...Grapenuts contain neither grapes, nor nuts.  Discuss.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle Hogan became Michelle Fletcher when I was in her second grade class in MacArthur elementary school in South Holland, IL in 1967.
