Which brings my 2011 total earnings to: $12,438.10
I was one of the 6 runners up (barf), so I didn't win the trip to San Diego or the chance to stay at a haunted hotel. In moments like these it helps me to keep my serenity knowing that it just wasn't supposed to be....slash envisioning that that hotel is totes going up in flames and my life has been spared. Kiddiiiiing (kinda)
That's just my little Halloween Carrie telekenetic moment popping out.
And we're breathing throuuuuugh the resentmiiiiiint. Gooooood. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back.
I was beat out by some pretty 'sweet' competition.
The winner made apple pie coffins.
Another runner up did a "Stack-O-Lantern"Crepe moment (totes beyond way cute)
Someone else made Pumpkin Ice Cream Sandwiches...yumsville.
For mine, and all the other recipes, you can check out their website:
Anyway.....Happy Halloweenskeeeees!
Aaaaaaaand we're gunna breathe the burning hotel fantasy out one more tiiiiiiiiiiime.....
There ya go.....
Today's Contest: Mapquest Love your neighborhood Sweepstakes
Prize: A Vespa
How to enter: